Security and Reliability are our Mission
All families want their loved ones with disabilities to be safe and secure throughout their lives. The Foundation of The Arc of Northern Virginia works with families and people with disabilities to make the future secure.
Our Mission
The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
We Focus on Reliability
Our mission is make it easy for people with disabilities to have money they can rely on as they grow older. We do that through our special needs trust program. We do that through careful planning and constant learning. We offer services people can afford. And we do it with compassion and understanding.
We Protect Benefits
Our special needs trusts are a way to set aside money for the future so government benefits are not at risk. Government agencies base benefits on the money a person directly controls. Monthly income, savings and assets all must be under low limits.
A special needs trust avoids those limits on money. That's because the trust is not controlled by the person with a disability. The money is controlled by a trustee.
Our Staff are Experts
Our Special Needs Trust team helps keep track of money so benefits stay safe. Our team makes sure payments follow the rules. And whenever rules and laws change, we know about it. We work with people with disabilities and their families every day, every week, year after year. That expertise makes a big difference to our clients.
Count on Our Team
Key Private Bank serves as the trustee and investment manager. The Foundation of the Arc of Northern Virginia serves as trust manager. Our teams work together to make sure the trusts work smoothly and safely for beneficiaries.

About the Special Needs Trust from The Arc of Northern Virginia
The Arc of Northern Virginia Personal Support Trust is for people in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
We manage all of the special needs trusts. We are experts in finance and disability policy. We know, care for and understand people with disabilities. Serving the community is our mission. That makes us the ideal partner to set up and manage your trust.
Get In Touch. We Can Help.

About The Foundation
Foundation Board Members
- Douglas Church, Jr, Chairperson - Retired, Virginia Heritage Bank
- Alan Harbitter, Past Chairperson - Harbitter Consulting, LLC
- Alexander Yellin, Secretary - CNA, Research Analyst
- Michael Zoskey - Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor
- Jouya Rastegar - Attorney at Law
- Melissa Heifetz - The Arc of Northern Virginia Executive Director
Pro Bono Legal Counsel
Elizabeth L. Gray, Principal, McCandlish Lillard
The Foundation of The Arc of Northern Virginia oversees our special needs trust program.
The Foundation manages The Arc of Northern Virginia's endowment. Employees of The Arc of Northern Virginia serve as managers of the special needs trust program for beneficiaries and their families. The Director of Trusts reports to the Foundation Board.
Members of the Foundation seek people and organizations that might want to support The Arc.
Our Members of the Foundation board are experts in disability issues and money management. The board meets every month along with KeyBank financial advisors to discuss investment strategies and client relations.
Let's Talk About the Future
Take the first step toward creating a Special Needs Trust for a loved one with a disability.
Make an appointment for a free one-time consultation on trust basics. Choose a date and time that works for you.