FFFP: Medicaid Planning for Parents

It’s time to think about your future. The high cost of long-term senior care is a pressing concern. Lack of knowledge and putting off planning can cause significant financial stress on seniors and their families. Anticipating the future is key to protect one's financial assets. Start your Medicaid planning with our latest webinar. We'll help […]

TGIFFF – Thank Goodness It’s Finan¢ial Fitne$$ Friday —

Are you taking care of your own financial future? Do you have retirement savings set aside? Have you considered the distribution of your assets upon your death? Now on every alternate month, our online roundtable for finance queries is hosted by Trust Director Tia Marsili, where each session will have a certified professional answering your […]

Special Needs Trusts (with DSAGR)

It is important to ensure that your child is financially secure when you are no longer around to provide help. In this presentation, learn about the roles of Special Needs Trusts in safeguarding government benefits while ensuring your (adult) child’s personal needs and aspirations continue to be met in the future. Your Speaker: Tia Marsili […]

Special Needs Trusts (with Naval Support Activity Bethesda)

It is important to ensure that your child with disabilities is financially secure when you are no longer around to provide help. In this presentation, learn about the roles of Special Needs Trusts in safeguarding government benefits while ensuring your (adult) child’s personal needs and aspirations continue to be met in the future. We’ll talk […]

Meet The Trustee (Morning)

Families, individuals with disabilities, agencies, attorneys, financial planners and others must take advantage of this annual opportunity to meet our Trustee, KeyBank, during these two facilitated Thursday sessions. RSVP and join us as we welcome The Arc of Northern Virginia’s Special Needs Trust (SNT) partner KeyBank. Current trust client or not, if you have questions […]

Meet The Trustee (Evening)

Families, individuals with disabilities, agencies, attorneys, financial planners and others must take advantage of this annual opportunity to meet our Trustee, KeyBank, during these two facilitated Thursday sessions. RSVP and join us as we welcome The Arc of Northern Virginia’s Special Needs Trust (SNT) partner KeyBank. Current trust client or not, if you have questions […]

FFFP: Placing Real Estate in a Special Needs Trust

How can I ensure that my loved one with disabilities has a place to live after I’m gone? Can s/he inherit our home? Can we buy a condo? For parents of people with disabilities, ensuring a safe place for their child to live is one of their top priorities. A permanent home provides long-term stability […]

Autism Resource Clinic

By invitation only: In-person and virtual hybrid event The Autism Resource Clinic aims to empower families with teamwork. There will be a variety of local experts from medical, local schools, military, and the community to provide a plethora of resources for newly diagnosed families, newly relocated families, and families seeking additional support. Our Special Needs […]

FFFP: Social Security – Application and Appeal Process for SSI & SSDI

Which benefits can help my loved one with disabilties? When and how do I start the application process? What do I do if my application is denied? How do I protect the benefits after I secure them? Government programs can help pay for the needs of adults with disabilities. The challenge is knowing which benefits […]

Autism Resource Clinic

By invitation only: In-person and virtual hybrid event The Autism Resource Clinic aims to empower families with teamwork. There will be a variety of local experts from medical, local schools, military, and the community to provide a plethora of resources for newly diagnosed families, newly relocated families, and families seeking additional support. Our Special Needs […]